Dec 15, 2022
We're taking you into the secret underground hideout to celebrate The Dagger Society's biggest win with their newfound member Adelina. But she has secrets...and she trusts no one. Can they learn to work together as a group, or will she be their downfall?
Dec 1, 2022
Podcasting for 5 years gives us ample opportunity to mess it all up! Welcome to a trip down memory lane. We're dredging up hilarious bloopers we've saved over the years just so we can make fun of each other and ourselves. Sorry...but not sorry for the laughter to come.
Nov 15, 2022
Kendra and Jess are going to the east coast where they have to fight zombies and escape before being bitten! There will be questions and marriages and someone doesn't make it out alive...and it all started with a girl in a red vest. We're battling over The Forest of Hands and Teeth, and someone's book was burned alive.
Nov 1, 2022
Cursed is the second book in Marissa Meyer's newest duology. We talk about all things Serilda and Gild from the first book Gilded. Secrets are revealed without any spoilers and we can't wait for you hear about them first with us!
Oct 15, 2022
Temples, demons, and Swords! Oh my! We are off to Japan to find the temples and pick up strangers a long the way. They're all after the same prize, and none of them know how to share.